100 Podcast Episodes!

The IVPodcast is celebrating a milestone release; our 100th Episode! We can’t believe we’ve come this far on our podcasting journey. Starting in Melissa’s small studio apartment at her kitchen table to stretching across multiple states, the IVPodcast has managed to capture the growth of not only an Indigenous-led nonprofit, Read more…

Welcome Celina Gray

Indigenous Vision is proud to introduce our newest team member, Celina Gray! Celina is a Blackfoot & Metis community member, mother of four, and outstanding Indigenous scientist. A Native Science Fellow, American Indian College Ambassador, and former Northwest Representative of the National Student Congress for the American Indian Higher Education Read more…

Mana Wahine Ekolu 2022

Indigenous Vision’s Faye Poley and Melissa Spence were invited to attend the ‘Mana Wahine Ekolu 2022’ conference on Oahu, Hawai’i this November. Mana Wahine Ekolu translates to ‘Female Empowerment Three’ and the conference is held in Kapolei, Oahu at the Aulani Resort. This truly amazing opportunity to come together with Read more…

Fall Newsletter 2022

Take a look at what Indigenous Vision and friends have been up to this fall! We celebrated Souta teaching her first TEK class at the University of Montana, more great work with our mapping and working dog team, cultural humility, and our upcoming internship!

Chronic Wasting Disease

In 2020, Executive Director Souta Calling Last was mapping environmental stressors, disease and contaminants while listening to a senate update by Dr. Peter Larsen of MnPro Labs on Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD). In the update it was mentioned that CWD prions can be taken up into plants and remain viable Read more…

Cultural Humility – Training the Trainers 2023

Join us in January for a ten hour ‘train-the-trainer’ virtual series on the concepts, principals, and practices of Cultural Humility! Indigenous Vision will lead you through the framework over four days providing the tools to move forward on the path to equity. Seating is limited, register today: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/4-day-cultural-humility-training-of-trainers-online-tickets-381725420007?aff=ebdssbonlinesearch Read more Read more…