Registration is now open for our upcoming Cultural Humility, Train the Trainer training with our first official day starting on Tuesday, October 17 at 10:00 am MDT and ending on Wednesday, October 25 at 12:30 pm MDT. We’ll meet for 2.5 hours per session going over the Cultural Humility principles, origin, exercise, and practice dialoguing our way through the framework.
What is Cultural Humility? It’s a model that provides a method to advocate and maintain accountability by redressing the power imbalances in the workplace and in our communities. For over two decades the model has replaced the insufficient notion of “cultural competence” with a cyclical approach that embraces critical self-reflection as a lifelong learning process to create a broader, more inclusive view of the world.
Here are a few of the benefits of cultural humility in the workplace:

Here’s a wonderful 30 minute documentary by Vivian Chavez who spent time with the founders of this work, Dr. Melanie Tervalon & Dr. Jann Murray-Garcia. It’s a great way to start learning about the concept, principles, and all the ways we can benefit from cultural humility.
Indigenous Vision is proud to continue the work of cultural humility not just within our nonprofit, but with everyone who has ever attended one of our trainings. All are welcomed to attend, commitment to all 4 days is required as each day builds upon the previous day.
Feel free to register your team here or email us with any questions; hello@indigenousvision.org