We were so honored to have Phoenix Smith on our tenth installment of the Cultural Humility Podcast Series! Phoenix was a part of our March 2022 cohort and brought so much wisdom to our dialogue that we just had to invite them to explore the work further.
J. Phoenix Smith earned a Graduate Certificate in Ecotherapy in 2011 from JFK University in the world’s first ever Graduate Ecotherapy Certificate program and a Masters in Social Work from the historically-black Howard University in Washington, D.C.
Prior to coming to the field of Ecotherapy, they’ve been a public health leader in the field of HIV for over 25 years, managing and leading public health programs in the U.S. They are also an Initiated Elder in the Indigenous Afro-Cuban religion Lucumi to the Orisha, or Deity of Nature known as Aganyu, the Spirit of the Volcano and of the Wilderness. They provide spiritual counseling and guidance including divination and Ecotherapy.
Learn more about Phoenix’s work here: theaesj.com & www.ecosoulwisdom.org
Listen to ‘Cultural Humility with Phoenix Smith’: