INDIGENOUS VISION (IV) Podcast is hosted by Souta Calling Last (Blackfoot) and produced by co-host Melissa Spence (Anishinaabe).

Two aunties sharing and examining the world through the lens of an Anishinaabe and Blackfoot experience.

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Latest Episodes

IVPodcast 137 – Leaning into Optimism
With all that’s stacked towards us, Indigenous Vision is an optimistic leaning organization. Led by the value system of our beloved Ancestors, we continue to pull from the thousands of years of joy, peace, and loving community our relatives lived and loved through.

IVPodcast 136 – Relationship Peace
We taking healthy relationship building seriously! Happy Valentines day to any and all who celebrate healthy love.

IVPodcast 135 – Justice for our Powerful Beings
It’s not often that we have five Indigenous women together on one episode but here we are! This week we’re talking Snakes, Turtles, and other powerful beings who, from time to time, are misunderstood. Thank you to our guests Star Cardinal, Kristen Kipp, and Maggie Johnston for sharing the space with us.

IVPodcast 134 – Climate Girl Woes Humility
Indigenous women who care about the Earth. In this episode we dialogue about our respective climate, water, plant nation, and land.

IVPodcast 133 – Benefits of Cultural Humility
Every workplace can benefit from cultural humility by fueling their initiative for change management. Our next cohort begins Tuesday, May. 20!

IVPodcast 132 – Happy New Year!
We’re sending you love, peace, and extra care into the new year. Entering our next phase with creative hearts and healthy minds. What are you bringing into the new year?

IVPodcast 131 – Your Dream Tipi is Waiting!
It might be hard to believe we’re raffling a Blackfoot style, fully furnished Tipi, but we are! Your entry not only gives you a chance to win, it puts money directly into our cultural conservation efforts. 2025 is our 10 year anniversary as a nonprofit and we’re celebrating at the Grand Opening of the new Bear Gulch Pictograph Visitor Center on June 14th where the Dream Tipi winner will be announced! You can look over all the ⁠details⁠ and ⁠enter to win here!⁠

IVPodcast 130 – Keeping Our Narrative Strong
As Indigenous people we’ve always travelled throughout Great Turtle Island. Whether for valuable information like animal migration patterns, trading, exploring, or even love, Indigenous feet have been covering this continent since time immemorial. Our Ancestors are not ‘mysterious’ and neither are the invaluable and sacred remnants they left for us; fasting shelters, medicine wheels, tipi rings, etc. We’re here to put that on record.

IVPodcast 129 – Apologies, Land, and Success!
We’re just two aunties living through historic moments in time while revitalizing our culture, people, and land. It’s been a helluva week!

IVPodcast 128 – One Day at a Time
With the overall and collective climate showing up as anxiety, stress, or even depression, it’s important or us to take it one day at a time. We’re simultaneously full of hope, dreams, and motivation to keep our important work going into an unstable future. If you’re wondering how to make an impact within Indigenous communities, please consider donating to Indigenous Vision.

IVPodcast 127 – Truth & Compassion
We’re basking in our joy while simultaneously honoring our family survivors of the Residential/Boarding School. We armed with truth and compassion as we continue forward in all the ways and directions our small but mighty organization takes us. Join us for Cultural Humility this October!

IVPodcast 126 – Workplace Culture Matters
Like many, we were shocked to learn of the tragic death of an employee at a bank who sat at their desk, deceased, for four days until someone noticed. Workplace culture matters. How do we improve our workplace cultures? How do we care, just a little bit more, about those around us?

IVPodcast 125 – Summer’s Send Off
With this season coming to its rest we’re once again reflecting on the important work we’re doing on our land, navigating the obstacles in a good way, and continuing the way forward with humility.

IVPodcast 124 – Self Care Through the Hustle
If you’re like us, you may have been hustling and working all hours these past couple of decades for education, rent, your family, your home, or all of the above simultaneously! As women who continue to work our butts out of poverty we cannot let the conversation around the importance of self care fade like our energy does sometimes. We’re understanding the line between hustle and self care as we get older.

IVPodcast 123 – Ceremony & Celebration
Indigenous Vision acknowledges all the relatives who are in ceremony this season, praying for our family and loved ones. Our summer has been filled with celebration in general and we truly hope you’re finding the time for either.

IVPodcast 122 – Going Home (Death)
Moving through the contemporary world with an Indigenous paradigm, especially when it comes to death, makes for awkward social situations aka, they not like us.

IVPodcast 121 – Brilliant Indigenous Minds
We’re talking land, the importance of traditional ecological knowledge, Indigenous paradigms, and how we are impacting nature as a collective.

IVPodcast 120 – Happy Summer Solstice
Happy Summer Solstice! Today we’re reflecting on some of the amazing work we’ve been doing as an Indigenous led non-profit. Thanks for your support!

IVPodcast 119 – Respecting Land in 2024
With outdoor lifestyles becoming more popular and people spending more time on the land in general, it’s important to engage with our environment in a humble and respectful way. Indigenous nations have not only been losing access to sacred sites (to practice our culture) but many sites are being destroyed by carelessness. How can you leave the land in a better state for future generations to enjoy and thrive on?

IVPodcast 118 – Ribbon Skirts for Everyone?
What does the Ribbon Skirt mean or represent to you?

IVPodcast 117 – A Very Busy Spring
We’re doing our best to slow down and record episodes here and there this season. Indigenous Vision is in full tilt mode but we took a few minutes to share what we’ve been up to the past few weeks. Who’s ready for summer?

IVPodcast 116 – MMIW Healing & Sisterhood
Joining us to decompress from MMIW Women’s Empowerment Retreat in Pasco, WA earlier this month is Kola Shippentower, personal safety coach and founder of the Wisawca Project, and Miyo Strong who is the program director of Smart Defense from the Elizabeth Smart Foundation. The sisterhood we experienced everyone including the Indigenous women of the Washington Nations; Cayuse, Umatilla, and Walla Walla, was truly healing. Thank you for attending and being a part of the journey towards wellbeing and love. Please consider donating to our #MMIWarriors efforts by visiting our website.

IVPodcast 115 – MMIW Prevention & Preservation
We cannot express how honored we are as organizers and as Indigenous women to be a part of the MMIW Women’s Empowerment Retreat in Pasco, WA last week. It was beyond incredible to witness the power and strength of the Indigenous women of the Washington Nations; Cayuse, Umatilla, and Walla Walla. Thank you for attending and being a part of the journey towards wellbeing and love. Please consider donating to our #MMIWarriors efforts by visiting our website.

IVPodcast 114 – Indigenizing Film with Rose Stiffarm
As the Blackfoot Nation and Indigenous community beams with pride witnessing Lily Gladstone’s incredible grace and talent, we’ve asked Rose Stiffarm who is Indigenizing the film instrusy to join our Aunty space this week! Rose is a talented Director of Photography & Cinematographer from Siksika, Quw’utsun, Saanich, Aaniiih, and Nakoda Nations.

IVPodcast 113 – Identity vs Fantasy
We’re talking identity and how our Indigenous and non-Indigenous ancestries contribute to who we are and who we are not.

IVPodcast 112 – Living the Truth
Truth telling isn’t for everyone. This week we’re feeling the truths of the world more than ever. Truth is one of the guiding principles for the Anishinaabe; how are you staying truthful to yourself?

IVPodcast 111 – Love Is Always in the Air
Love is always in the air; not just figuratively, but literally! Whether it’s the piita/Eagle people courting and sky dancing, to us Indigenous women experiencing the journey of life itself. This episode is dedicated to the lovers of life, justice, self, and all things living on this Earth.

IVPodcast 110 – Our Bodies Feeling Bliss
What happens when an Indigenous woman finally feels bliss? We’ve been holding on to our historical traumas most of our lives, and now that we’re finding new ways of being well, the issues in our tissues remind us of how deep we’ve been storing our pain. Transformation can be a little painful, but worth it!

IVPodcast 109 – Love for Lily & The World
We’re celebrating Lily Gladstone this week and sharing our candid thoughts on how we’re using cultural humility to navigate our work as Indigenous people to Great Turtle Island and how the ripple effects will positively impact the future. What are we doing to stay on track during a global crisis? Find out on episode 109 of the IVPodcast.

IVPodcast 108 – Thank You, 2023!
2023 has been a transformative year of dreams turning into realities! Thank you for being here. Your support in our little corner of the podcast universe means so much. As we recharge to embark on another busy year, we took some time to share some of our personal and professional highlights from 2023.

IVPodcast 107 – Defining Cultural Humility
We’ve noticed the reactions when sharing the term ‘Cultural Humility’ on social media and wanted to dedicate an entire podcast to defining what cultural humility is with regards to the Dr. Tervalon & Dr. Murray-Garcia framework. Past cohort members also took the time to share how they define cultural humility and the resounding definition is as vast and unique as you and me

IVPodcast 106 – Indigenizing Amazon with Kristen Upham
A big thank you to Kristen from Amazon for inviting Indigenous Vision to record this special episode as a presentation to Amazon employees for Native American Heritage Month! We’re humbled by the opportunity to share what we do here at IV and how we do it. We’re still celebrating Native American Heritage Month with our fundraiser to keep our projects rolling into the next 3-4 years.

IVPodcast 105 – Native American Heritage Month
Native American Heritage Month is upon us once again, and we’ve launched a fundraiser to support the work of Indigenous Vision into the next 3 to 4 years. With your help our projects will be catapulted into fully staffed and managed Indigenous led programs from New York, Washington, Nevada, Montana, and Arizona.

IVPodcast 104 – The Buffy Situation
We’re beyond shook. We looked up to Buffy. These are our thoughts and perspectives.

IVPodcast 103 – Sustaining Good Health
\How we stay healthy when we’re deep in the work impacts the trajectory for us as professionals, but as healthy Indigenous women. Whether it’s staying deeply connected to our culture, dancing it out, or releasing any and all pent up emotions at a live music shows, we’re sharing some of the ways we release the trauma. How are you staying healthy in a sick world?

IVPodcast 102 – Cuffing Season
To shack up, or not to shack up? We’ll take the latter for this upcoming cuffing season despite the big snow and cold temps predicted for Great Turtle Island’s winter season. This week we’re reminded of how staying healthy includes staying away from toxic relationships and friendships. Winter is a time for peace, lets keep it that way.

IVPodcast 101 – Cultural Appropriation Season
We’re once again getting into the conversation around what cultural appropriation is and the slippery slope from appreciation to exploitation.

IVPodcast 100 – 100th Episode!
Thank you. Thank you for being the change you want to see in the world! We’re beyond grateful to have partnered, collaborated, interviewed, learned from, and have been supported by such amazing people from all across Great Turtle Island! Not only are we celebrating our 100th episode, we’re celebrating 8 years as a Indigenous nonprofit working to revitalize and improve our communities. As mentioned, we’re thankful to those who were there in the beginning; the Phoenix crew, our contributors to our L.I.F.E. Spa (Living Indigenous & Fostering Empowerment), The Roddenberry Foundation, our contractors, Cultural Humility cohort members, The NoVo Foundation, Tides, Grantmakers for Girls of Color, mapping friends, Working Dogs for Conservation, MMIW community, and YOU. Here’s to many more years of Indigenous Vision!

IVPodcast 99 – Cancel Culture & Humility
Despite our love for that hot tea it’s important for us to take a moment to reflect and step into our lifelong process of learning new ways when it comes to witnessing someone being ‘cancelled’. Practicing compassion and humility when dealing some of the worst sides of people is a skill we believe in. Are people being overly cancelled or are we letting too much slide?

IVPodcast 98 – Nonprofit Blues
We’ve been busy working in the field, experiencing life, and chasing that funding to create the lives we deserve! This week we found some time to share our thoughts on the growing pains of being a little-big nonprofit committed to positive impact and growth, and some of the hoops we have to jump through to keep it all going. Thanks for listening!

IVPodcast 97 – Our Projects Keep Rolling
Whether we’re climbing mountains, sampling water, training with dogs, or organizing the next self defense class, our projects here at Indigenous Vision continue to roll out into our communities. Thank you if you’ve ever donated, attended, or supported any of our events or projects including this podcast!

IVPodcast 96 – Love is Always in the Air
Celebrating love is the good medicine we need in times like these. On episode 96 we’re reminding ourselves that love is always in the air.

IVPodcast 95 – Coping with the Disrespect
Is it retrograde or something? We’ve got technical issues this week compounded with more disrespect against Indigenous communities being played out on social media. So how do we stop the issues from infecting our tissues? Find out on episode 95 of the IVPodcast, where two fabulous Indigenous women share how they continue to thrive through a lifetime of disrespect

IVPodcast 94 – The Good Life
It’s been a big week for the IV Aunties! Souta celebrated her 40th birthday in all her Blackfoot glory exploring traditional sites and mapping, while Melissa is experiencing what it’s like to finally have a vehicle. We’re reminding ourselves it’s okay to be proud of our accomplishments and celebrating our wins along our journey. What are you celebrating this week?

IVPodcast 93 – Respecting the Pow Wow
This week we’re talking Pow Wow etiquette. Whether it’s standing during the opening Prayer, Grand Entry, or joining the circle when encouraged by the host, there are many ways to enjoy and, more importantly, respect the Pow Wow. What happens when non-Indigenous people want to join in? What if someone wants to make their own regalia who isn’t Indigenous? What effect or impacts would it create on Pow Wow culture if non-Indigenous people took part alongside us?

IVPodcast 92 – Centering Our Future
We’ve been busy! This week we took the time to get together and share the ways we’re thinking of our future generations in a good way. From monitoring Chronic Wasting Disease, to returning to and reconnecting with our traditional ways, we’re embracing our roles as the ‘Life Giver’ (Ogimaakwe – Ojibway/Anishinaabe). How are you centering the future in your life?

IVPodcast 91 – Reflecting on Community
We’ve decompressed after our MMIW events and are still feeling the love and support from everyone who showed up in the community! If you’ve received one of our self defense kits, we hope you never have to use them, but if you do, Indigenous Vision is not responsible for any injury or death as a result. We are our own best defense when met with violence, thank you to everyone who donated and made each MMIW event a loving and supportive space this year. If you’d like to learn the tools and practices of Cultural Humility like self reflection, register for our upcoming training that begins on May 23rd!

IVPodcast 90 – MMIW & MMIP 2023 Part 2
We continue our dialogue on the Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and People conversation with more special guests who are supporting and advocating for awareness and change in their states. Joining us on part 2 is Lea Ponokaakii Wetzel (Blackfoot) who is accomplishing great things in the state of Montana with the recent House Bill 112, Lea shares her event happening in Great Falls, MT. We’re also joined by Eztli Amaya of the Fifth Sun Project in Las Vegas who is teaming up with Deanna Blackcrow of Her 38 Roses for the MMIW event happening on May 7th in Las Vegas. Please consider supporting any of our guests and we hope to see you out in the community this week for the loved ones who are missing or were murdered.

If you have an event you’d like us to share please email, or message us on out Facebook or IG @indigenousvisionmedia

IVPodcast 89 – MMIW & MMIP 2023 Part 1
Thanks for checking out part 1 of our Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and People episode. As we lead up to May 5th we’re here to get the week of action moving by sharing some of the events going on across the US. Joining us on part 1 is Emily Washines (Yakama, Cree, Swinomish) who shares her journey advocating for families impacted by missing and murdered loved ones and the event happening on the Yakama Nation in Washington State. We’re also joined by Brandon Nahsonhaya (Hopi) who talks about the few men involved in the MMIW & MMIP fight and the event taking place at the Arizona State Capitol this May 5th in Phoenix, AZ.

If you have an event you’d like us to share please email, or message us on out Facebook or IG @indigenousvisionmedia

IVPodcast 88 – Centering Ourselves
We’re spending more time centering ourselves and releasing the guilt that comes with the emancipation from people pleasing and unlearning self destructive behaviors. This week we share our excitement with the changing season and the future plans we have as an organization and as Indigenous Women who are learning to love and cherish our inner child.

IVPodcast 87 – Protecting Our Health, A Thyroid Journey
What if we were as passionate about our health and wellbeing as were are about our work, lifestyle, hobbies, etc? This week Souta shares her incredible journey living with Hashimoto’s Disease and what’s at stake. Protecting our health as Indigenous women is a full-time and life-long commitment that comes with hard choices, boundary setting, self-love, self-compassion, and ancestral strength. We hope you’re intentionally living well and protecting your peace, heart, and body.

IVPodcast 86 – MMIWG2S Day is May 5
We’re just under a month away from the National Day of Awareness for Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. This May 5th Indigenous Vision will be taking part at events in Missoula MT, Phoenix AZ, and Las Vegas NV. We’re currently putting together self defense kits to hand out to our community members and are still looking for volunteers in the Missoula area.

If you’re available in Missoula on the afternoon and evening of May 5th please email:

IVPodcast 85 – Blackfoot Woman and her Dog
We’re stoked to be back in time for the new season! As spring creates and wakes up in the North, we’re happy to be working on our upcoming summer projects. After a week of training one of the newest members of the IV team; iitoōmaamaa”kaa (leader/one we follow aka trailblazer) aka Oreo, Souta shares her exciting new companion on episode 85 and what they’ll be up to in Blackfoot territory.

Cultural Humility with Celina Gray
Welcome to the eleventh installment of the Cultural Humility Podcast series presented by Indigenous Vision! Our special guest is not only an Indigenous Vision team member, she was also a part of our January 2023 Cultural Humility Training of Trainers cohort; Celina Gray!

The Cultural Humility model provides a method to advocate and maintain accountability by redressing the power imbalances in our communities. For over two decades, the model has replaced the insufficient notion of “cultural competence” with a cyclical approach that embraces critical self-reflection as a lifelong learning process to create a broader, more inclusive view of the world.

IVPodcast Ep. 84 – Mild Imposter Syndrome
This week we’re talking new dogs, new adventures, and new ways of overcoming.

IVPodcast Ep. 83 – Love Is Always in the Air!
It’s Valentine’s Day and we’re talking love. Love of the work we do, love of the people who make our lives better, love of the dreams we have for ourselves, and love for the incredible women we are. How is love finding you today?

IVPodcast Ep. 82 – Second Hand Trauma
We’re definitely feeling the impact of the secondary trauma in our world. This week we share how we’re reflecting on another year of accomplishments, joy, healing, and how the murder of beloved Tyre Nichols brings up our own trauma and the how the system plays out in different ways for ‘different’ people.

IVPodcast Ep. 81 – Everyone Needs To Care About MMIWG2S
MMIWG2S means Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and Two-Spirits. This includes Trans, Non-Binary, and Non-Gender conforming people, and our missing men and boys. This week was shared space with Yulia Laricheva who is the founder and CEO of Dream Nation Love; A Podcast & Creative Agency, amplifying women empowerment, diversity + inclusion, love, and social impact.

IVPodcast Ep. 80 – Breaking the Silence on Suicide.
Be prepared for a deep and loving conversation around suicide. Our special guest Terrance LaFromboise ignites our conversation and joins our necessary space to share the ultra unique challenges Indian Country/Indigenous people face when it comes to the factors that lead to suicide and the aftermath. Terrance LaFromboise also known as IissiiksaakoomApaapooma (Entering thunders lodge), is an enrolled member of the Blackfeet Nation.

IVPodcast Ep. 79 – Introducing Celina Gray!
We’re excited to introduce our newest Indigenous Vision team member and podcast co-host, Celina Gray! Celina is a Blackfoot & Metis mother of four, Native Science Fellow, American Indian College Ambassador, and a former Northwest Representative of the National Student Congress for the American Indian Higher Education Consortium. She’s also one of the driving forces behind the Working Dogs for Conservation collaboration for CWD work with Indigenous Vision! Please welcome Celina to our team, we’re excited for what’s in store this year!

IVPodcast Ep. 78 – Try Hard in 2023
The Blackfoot word for ‘Try Hard’ is IHKAKIMAAT, this perfectly sums up our intentions for 2023. We love having you here with us, your support has been amazing. Try hard with us in 2023 as we continue the work towards Indigenous liberation!

IVPodcast Ep. 77 – The Blessings of 2022
Souta and Melissa reflect on the many blessings of 2022!
Even after it all, we’re blessed af and that’s something to be celebrated throughout the entire year. We hope this podcast finds you embracing your own blessings as we shift into a new era.

IVPodcast Ep. 76 – Mana Wahine Ekolu, Hawai’i
This week Melissa and Faye (IV Youth Coordinator) recap their experience attending ‘Mana Wahine Ekolu’ on the island of Oahu, Hawai’i! Big thanks to Kimberly Jackson who shared their experience attending the conference as a local, the Pu’a Foundation for being the best hosts ever, and Grantmakers for Girls of Color for the opportunity to attend. Mahalo!

IVPodcast Ep. 75 – Representation & Healing
After pushing our stomachs to the limit with feasting we’re sharing the ways we heal our bodies after trauma and the importance of self care after doing the heavy work we do at Indigenous Vision. We also catch up on some of the new TV shows and movies and reflect on the incredible Indigenous representation we’re seeing! Thanks for listening!

IVPodcast Ep. 74 – Culture & Infrastructure.
As we put our health on the line and teeter between burnout and working our way out of poverty, it’s important to share the challenges that much of Indian country faces when it comes to infrastructure. Whether it’s a lack of water, paved roads, access to food, and other amenities, we work to try and close the gap between these systemic injustices. With compassion, love, and humility, we’re striving to lift us all up, together. Even the trolls.

IVPodcast Ep. 73 – Dear Pretendian, you are doing harm.
We’re revisiting the ongoing issue of pretendians and the harm they cause. As Indigenous Womxn of color we once again explain how the exploitive nature behind pretendians and race shifters causes harm and is a part of the big problem that Indigenous people are facing; environmental & social injustices, identity and cultural loss, and cultural resilience. It’s all connected.

IVPodcast Ep. 72 – Native American Heritage Month?
For two aunties like us, every month is NAHM! We’re sharing ways you can be a part of the ongoing liberation of Indigenous People and maybe even yourself on this episode.

IVPodcast Ep. 71 – Thank you!
We want to thank every single person who took the time to honor and celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day 2022! Your love and support has blown us away and instilled hope moving forward with the renaming of this day. Thank you for checking us out, thank you for following us, thank you for sharing our voices, thank you for your generous donations, and thank you for being an ally.

Cultural Humility with Dr. Jei Africa
Welcome to the ninth installment of the Cultural Humility Podcast series presented by Indigenous Vision! We’re very honored to have Dr. Jei Africa on the show to share their experiences with cultural humility. Dr. Jei Africa is a psychologist who advocates for culturally responsive clinical care in behavioral health.

IVPodcast Ep. 70 | Chronic Wasting Disease
Souta and a small team of people with working dogs have been visiting various sampling sites searching for Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) and environmental stressors on The Blackfeet Nation. Together they scan creeks, rivers, and other areas for mink and otter scat that will be lab tested for heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, covid-19, and flame retardants. Once results are received, data is mapped out to ensure the community living in these areas are aware of the potential dangers of using and consuming sacred plants for medicine and other uses. Learn more about what can be done about CWD.

IVPodcast Ep. 69 | Acknowledge Land & The Help
There are many ways to acknowledge land, this week we’re sharing ways to acknowledge your environment in a genuine way, make it actionable, and consider the labour of those who contributed to our infrastructures. Also, working dogs close out the podcast as we continue forward with our mapping projects!.

IVPodcast Ep. 68 | Winning Without Guilt
Celebrating the wins along our journey to break out of intergenerational poverty sometimes produce a ting of guilt. This week Souta and Melissa share their struggles enjoying the moments of joy when following and living out their dreams as Indigenous Womxn slowly growing out of poverty.

IVPodcast Ep. 67 | Rez Girls do it Best!
TWe couldn’t go on without celebrating the Indigenous excellence we’re seeing unfold before our eyes! Share the love as we count the Indigenous wins from films like ‘Prey’ (2022 Hulu) spoiler alert! The July 2022 issue of National Geographic, ‘Reservation Dogs’ (Hulu), Bear Grease, and the first Indigenous woman travelling to an ISS this September!

IVPodcast Ep. 66 | Land, Climate, and The Stars!
This week we took a moment to reflect on how climate change is in fact changing our climate as we observe torrential downpours across Turtle Island and across the world.  Despite the doom and gloom that can set in we’re hopeful and are staying busy with our Indigenous Mapping projects that create custom cumulative impact maps highlighting cultural, environmental, and social data that allows the public and leaders to monitor events, make decisions, inform others, and see trends.

IVPodcast Ep. 65| Healing While Activated
TW: residential/boarding schools
Another heavy week is upon Indian Country as the head of the one of the most notoriously destructive religious forces returns to Canada to apologize for the evil crimes they inflicted on generations of beautiful Indigenous children and their families. Souta and Melissa share how their unwavering sense of hope continues to thrive despite the never-ending trauma waves that crash upon our communities time and time again.

IVPodcast Ep. 64| Friendly Reminder: Respect Land
This week Souta and Melissa share thoughts on how interacting with the land requires, at the bare minimum, the utmost gratitude and respect. Base level decency and an understanding of who the land is and how long its wisdom is will guide you into a reciprocal relationship with land and all the beings within it.

IVPodcast Ep. 63| Catching Up with Faye!
Indigenous Vision Youth Coordinator, Jacqueline Faye Poley joins this week’s episode to share with us and recap her experience flying to NYC for the Grantmakers For Girls Of Color grant making retreat!
Faye is Hopi (greasewood clan) from the Village of Bacavi, located in northern Arizona. She graduated from Hopi High School in 2019 with extracurricular experience in youth leadership and development. Her vision is to inspire other Indigenous youth to be active and to make a change, big or small. As the Youth Coordinator for Indigenous Vision, Faye is excited to help develop our communities into healthy thriving environments. We love you, Faye!

IVPodcast Ep. 62| Pow Wow Season
Souta shares about her ever-changing Jingle Dress regalia as it’s officially Pow Wow Season in the North! Join the Indigenous Vision podcast for this week’s conversations on cultural humility at the Pow Wow and in life! How have you been learning from cultural humility lately?

IVPodcast Ep. 61| Indigenous Masculinity
This week Darrell Marks of the Dine Nation joins the conversation about what Indigenous Masculinity is and how important it is to parent under Indigenous values. Darrell is the Indigenous Academic Advisor at Flagstaff High School, and is the single parent of one daughter and two sons. Learn with us on this powerful episode about what it means to create the live the balance of what Indigenous Masculinity is.

IVPodcast Ep. 60| The Reality of Sobriety
Souta and Melissa are back sharing real-life aunty experiences! A big thank you to Debora, one of our listeners who took the time to email us a question about appropriation, we answered and are so appreciative of your support! We also share what the reality is of living in sobriety amongst a world that is not.

IVPodcast Ep. 59| Embracing Changes!
This week the Indigenous Vision Youth Coordinator, Faye Poley, joins Souta and Melissa to talk about all the incredible change and opportunities brewing! Faye is heading to New York at the end of the month with a crew from the Grantmakers for Girls of Color organization while Melissa contemplates moving to Missoula, we’re embracing change and loving it!

IVPodcast Ep. 58 | Restoring Narratives
Souta and Melissa are back this week to share about some of the Indigenous Vision projects that help restore Indigenous narratives across Turtle Island, also – HAPPY PRIDE!!

IVPodcast Ep. 57 | Finding the Joy
Souta and Melissa share how they continue to push through and find the joy in their lives while the weight of the world presses down on many of our hearts and minds right now. Whether it’s taking a few days to enjoy a new city or engaging in a never before done project to make the world a better place. We hope you’re finding your own personal joy in the madness of this society.

IVPodcast Ep. 56 | MMIWG’s Day of Awareness
May 5th is the National Day of Awareness for Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. Indigenous Vision will be hosting a booth at the University of Montana Campus Oval along with several other organizations involved in helping bring awareness and supporting the families and survivors of missing and murdered Indigenous people. You can get involved and use your privilege and platforms to help raise awareness by sharing the stories of missing Indigenous people in your area, attending or hosting your own event or candlelight vigil, or by making a donation.

IVPodcast Ep. 55 | MMIWG’s & Toxic Men
Whether we’re moving into a new home, riding public transit, or simply existing, the violence we face as Indigenous Womxn seems never-ending. This week Souta and Melissa share real-life encounters with the toxic men perpetuating the MMIWG crisis.
May 5th is National Day of Awareness for Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, so what should you do? Listen and find out!

IVPodcast Ep. 54 | Water, Womxn, and Winning!
After two weeks of diving deep with their latest Cultural Humility cohort, Souta and Melissa return to talk World Water Day, the love for Judge Jackson, and the winning ways they continue to overcome systematic obstacles.

IVPodcast Ep. 53 | Celebrating our Sacred Magic!
This International Women’s Day Souta and Melissa celebrate their sacredness and magic! From their Matriarchal ancestral knowledge, Moon cycles, and glamour, to breaking down colonial sexist barriers, this week’s episode is an ode to Womxn – especially the ones who tune in, we love you!

IVPodcast Ep. 52 | Appropriating Who?
This week Souta and Melissa return to the cultural appropriating conversation; whether it be the normalization of the selling Dream Catchers, ‘Boho’ fashion, to our geometrical shapes mass-produced on clothing, cultural appropriation continues to spiral out of control in the name of colonial, capitalistic, consumer culture. Who are you appropriating and how can we redress that power back?

IVPodcast Ep. 51 | Relating & Love
This week Souta and Melissa share the ever-changing ways we relate as people not just romantically but as individuals personally, professionally and randomly. Whether it’s the initial stages of getting to know someone, recognizing red flags, paying attention to narratives and terminology, these two Auntie’s share what works and what hasn’t in their evolution of relationships.

IVPodcast Ep. 50 | Acceptance & Patience
On the first official IVPodcast of 2022, Souta and Melissa share what it means to be accepting and patient when it comes to the injustices we have or continue to experience as Indigenous Women.

IVPodcast Ep. 49 | Walking the Talk!
For the last day of what is another historical year, Souta and Melissa reflect on their growth and highlights of 2021 and how they’re committed to walking the talk into 2022! How are you shining brighter this new year?

IVPodcast Ep. 48 | Radical Self Care
Souta and Melissa share what works for them when it comes to radical self care. Reframing the narrative, taking a break, and engaging with the world on their own terms are just some of their radical self care practices!

IVPodcast Ep. 47 | Eat Where You Are
This week Melissa comes to terms with the anti-Indigenous beliefs within the vegan community while Souta shares Indigenous knowledge about the importance of honoring the beings Indigenous people thrived with since time immemorial.

IVPodcast Ep. 46 | Indigenous Self Care (11/26/2021)
Indigenous people have a unique position in the world, some of us are actively striving for the healthy life balance we had pre-colonization when our relationship with the world was traditionally value based. This week Souta and Melissa share their mental health struggles and their daily self-care practices. So what is Indigenous self care?

IVPodcast Ep. 45 | Love Languages (11/19/2021)
As humans we love talking about ourselves especially when it comes to relating, whether it be professional or personal. But have we stopped and given any real thought about how we relate to the Earth, specially our love languages? How are you communicating love to the Earth? Join Souta and Melissa on episode 45 as they discuss love languages of the Earth.

IVPodcast Ep. 44 | Good and Bad Assumptions (11/11/2021)
Assumptions are constantly made as we go about our life. This week Souta and Melissa get candid about their assumptions both personal and experienced.

IVPodcast Ep. 43 | Indigenous Privilege? (11/2/2021)
Souta and Melissa discuss whether their bare-minimum Treaty rights are a privilege.

IVPodcast Ep. 42 | Very Scary Stories (10/31/2021)
Souta and Melissa share real-life encounters of some of life’s unexplainable situations. Warning, do not listen alone, you will get scared! Happy Halloween from Indigenous Vision!

IVPodcast Ep. 41 | The Metis Nation with Julia Lafreniere (10/20/2021)
Souta and Melissa are joined by Julia Lafreniere! Julia (pronouns: she/they) is an advocate for bridging cultural gaps and creating institutional understanding within colonial spaces. She carries the teachings of love, kindness and understanding that have been passed to her from knowledge keepers within the Indigenous community. Julia’s family is from the Metis community of Camperville located on Treaty 4 territory. She is a second-generation residential day school survivor and grew up both on Treaty 1 territory and Swampy Cree Treaty 5 territory .

IVPodcast Ep. 40 | Indigenous Peoples Day 2021 (10/11/2021)
Souta and Melissa get together like two Aunty’s on any typical Indigenous Peoples Day to discuss Land & Water acknowledgments, Treaties, and privilege. Have a great IPD!

IVPodcast Ep. 39 | Cultural Humility with Dr. Melanie Tervalon (9/30/2021)
This week’s guest is our mentor and ‘Shero’, Dr. Melanie Tervalon! Dr. Melanie Tervalon is a nationally and internationally renowned physician, educator, community activist and thought leader. Together with Dr. Jann Murray-Garcia, Melanie developed the Cultural Humility model designed to provide a method to advocate and maintain accountability by redressing the power imbalances in our communities. Learn more about Dr. Tervalon and IV’s Cultural Humility Trainings.

IVPodcast Ep. 38 | Abusive Boys Will Be Abusive Boys (9/27/2021)
Souta and Melissa talk about the never-ending struggle Indigenous women face to protect themselves from predatory, abusive and violent men. Stay safe wherever it is you’re listening from!

IVPodcast Ep. 37 | We Belong To The Land (9/18/2021)
Souta and Melissa share stories of border crossings, mourning the land, and hope for actual ‘land back’.

IVPodcast Ep. 36 | Nice Representation! (8/29/2021)
Souta and Melissa chat about the ongoing virus situation and how it’s helped watch more TV! We can’t get enough ‘Reservation Dogs’!

IVPodcast Ep. 35 | Gracefully Disrupting Social Construct (8/21/2021)
Souta and Melissa discuss using cultural humility in everyday life and how social constructs uphold the status quo.

IVPodcast Ep. 34 | Land Border & Disinfectant Blues (8/8/2021)
Souta and Melissa discuss what it’s like to cross the canadian/united states border using the Jay Treaty to border agents who usually don’t have a clue, developing hyper-cleanliness, isolation, and safe spaces to heal.

IV Podcast Ep. 33 | Veronica Johnny (7/30/2021)
Veronica Johnny is a two-spirit, multi-disciplinary, Cree-Métis / Densoline Indigenous artist. She is mostly Nehiyaw/French Métis on her mother’s side and mostly Denesuline/Innu/Scottish on her father’s side. Veronica is a member of the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation; was born and raised in Fort Smith, Northwest Territories and presently lives in Northern Ontario. She is a singer/songwriter, contemporary Indigenous hand-drummer and also the frontwoman, vocalist, co-producer and manager of The Johnnys. Listen to and support The Johnnys at

IVPodcast Ep. 32 | Recovery & Boundaries (7/17/2021)
Dana Comes At Night is not only Souta’s sister, she’s a Licensed Associate Counselor and Drug Court Coordinator who is using her journey through recovery to help those currently in the thick of addiction. Together with Melissa (who is also on a recovery journey) the conversation goes into how to recognize yourself in a pattern/addiction, what you can do to get help, and how important it is to set healthy boundaries.

IVPodcast Ep. 31 | Crystle Lightning (7/10/2021)
Actress Crystle Lightning joins Souta & Melissa to chat about her inspiring journey to success, balancing mom-life, lifting up a new generation, and just have a good visit and laugh! Order Crystle’s lashes at Bloodline Beauty:

IVPodcast Ep. 30 | Done with Canada Day & Creeps (7/03/2021)
Souta & Melissa discuss the origin of ‘Canada Day’, coping with creeps, self-defense, MMIWG, and ways to stay empowered in a crazy world. Shelly’s ‘Medicine Wheel Ride’:

IVPodcast Ep. 29 | In Blackfoot/Salish Territory (6/30/2021)
Souta & Melissa record episode 29 together in person for the first time since 2019! Recorded live in a secret remote mountainside location on gorgeous Blackfoot/Salish land, the conversation carries out in the middle of nature’s unique ambiance. The background noises of a multitude of insects, birds, and the odd plane can be heard. If you’re sensitive to insect sounds this might be a little distracting. What a beautiful experience!

IVPodcast Ep. 28 | Thunderstorms (6/20/2021)
Souta & Melissa give life updates, discuss colonialism, addiction, and plans roll out a special project with the help of the legendary Blackfoot dog companions. Trigger warning for those struggling with addiction.

IVPodcast Ep. 27 | The Wisawca Project (6/12/2021)
Kola Shippentower-Thompson is a pro-fighter and the creator of The Wisawca Project; a downloadable worksheet and safety plan to ensure Indigenous Women of all ages make it home. She shares why she started the project and how to utilize it and share the project with your friends and family. Get the safety plan

IVPodcast Ep. 26 | The 215 and more… (6/4/2021)
We’re going through it this week. Souta and Melissa discuss balancing life’s responsibilities while processing intergenerational trauma. We may be grieving this week but we’re also thriving and know in our hearts that’s what the 215+ would have wanted… We are our ancestors’ wildest dreams come true, so we push on.

IVPodcast Ep. 25 | Vaxxed Life & Mapping (5/28/2021)
Souta and Melissa discuss vaccinations, why they’re continuing to wear masks, the significance of land mapping and when they can get back to work and celebrating with all their relations across International borders impacted by the virus.

IV Podcast Ep. 24 | Pretendians with Tamara Bell (5/14/2021)
This week Souta and Melissa are joined by Tamara Hall (Haida Gwaii) to discuss the ways non-Indigenous people exploit Indigenous culture for financial gain. Earlier this year Tamara introduced the ‘Indigenous Identity Act’ to protect Indigenous identity from ethic fraud in the arts and how it affects us directly.

IV Podcast Ep. 23 | Montana, your hate for Indigenous & Queer is showing. (5/9/2021)
This week Souta and Melissa are joined by Adrian Jawort (Cheyenne) to process and discuss the blatant hate from extremists throughout the state of Montana. After becoming a direct target via an article published online, Adrian shares her journey and fight for Trans and Indigenous rights. *Are you interested in a free self-defense class? Learn more and sign-up today at

IV Podcast Ep. 22 | Our Indigenous Vision (4/30/2021)
Indigenous Vision executive director, Souta Calling Last (Blackfeet) shares the dynamic meaning behind why she named her much needed non-profit, ‘Indigenous Vision’. Also discussed are Indigenous Vision’s frequent misinterpretations (due to spiritual exploitations), berries, and the core values of Earth.

IVPodcast #21 | 420 with Alex White Plume (4/20/2021)
Lakota industrial hemp farmer, Alex White Plume joins us to discuss how honoring the plant nation, finding alternatives like hemp for plastic, and how Indigenous sovereignty are all ways to benefit the Earth and ensure a happy long life for future generations. Follow Souta: @lastwarcry on TikTok Indigenous Vision on IG: @helloivmusic

IVPodcast Ep. 20 | PRADOS BEAUTY (4/9/2021)
The beautiful Cece joins Souta and Melissa to share about her Indigenous Beauty Brand, Prados Beauty! Proudly Indigenous. Unapologetically Beautiful. Cece shares her journey from her time as a NYC Fashion Week makeup artist, collaborating with artist Steven Paul Judd, to her philanthropic work as the founder of one the most exciting new beauty brands in the world! You can support Prados Beauty at and follow the brand on Instagram at @pradosbeauty

IVPodcast Ep. 19 | Imposter Syndrome (4/3/21)
Souta and Melissa discuss imposter syndrome, what choices there are to overcome it and how to keep your head up in general despite it all. Follow Souta: @lastwarcry on TikTok. Indigenous Vision on IG: @helloivmusic.

IV Podcast Ep. 18 | Plastic Pollution & Health (3/27/21)
Souta and Melissa discuss the effects of pollution, what choices there are to make an impact and how to keep your head up in general despite it all. Follow Souta: @lastwarcry on TikTok. Indigenous Vision on IG: @helloivmusic.

IV Podcast Ep. 17 | Sage Culture & Respect (3/18/2021)
Souta and Melissa discuss the effects of Sage culture, what Indigenous medicines means, sharing versus secret, and how to come correct on the living land you’re on. Don’t forget March 22 is World Water Day, follow us on Facebook and share your water acknowledgments with us! Follow Souta @lastwarcry on TikTok.

IV Podcast Ep. 16 | Mia Warpath – Indigenous Sisters (3/7/2021)
Souta and Melissa are joined by Mia Warpath of the Comanche Nation who uses her platform to spread awareness on cultural appropriation and MMIWG. We celebrate our unique birthright as Indigenous Women to lead, live life without limits, and look out for one another. Follow Mia: @miastaygold on TikTok & IG.

IV Podcast #15 | Stay Treaty, Stay Glam (02/2021)
This week’s show focuses on the endless struggle to educate on Indigenous Sovereignty and Treaty Rights, then flips into Indigenous beauty and the power of “war paint”.

IV Podcast #14 | PRIDE with Anita Stallion (01/20/2021)
Winnipeg’s Anita Stallion joins Souta and Melissa to chat about her multi-decade legacy, being the matron of Club 200, coping with covid, and the evolution of pronouns – also, she’s Aunty of the Year! Follow Anita on facebook Instagram: @an_ita6459. This show was recorded on Jan 20, 2021.

IV Podcast #13 | Plastic Indians (01/2021)
Souta and Melissa discuss the toxicity of plastic Indians, cultural appropriation, and the exploitation of spiritual practices. Indigenous Vision is an educational non-profit based in Montana and Arizona.

IV Podcast #12 | Mental Health & The Colony (01/2021)
Souta (executive director) and Melissa (producer) dive deep into mental health, processing white supremacy, and how to overall stay healthy during one of the most toxic political environments of our time. Join the next Indigenous Vision’s Cultural Humility Training event this Jan. 26th! Learn more and sign up here:

IVPodcast #11 | Happy New You! (12/31/2020)
Join Indigenous Vision’s executive director, Souta Calling Last and producer Melissa Spence on a deep conversation on how the last 12 months shaped them into even stronger, more resilient Indigenous women. They also recap some of the highlights from Indigenous Vision’s many projects this year. Thanks for sharing your time with us, happy new year!

IVPodcast #10 | Bigfoot with Lailani Upham (12/23/2020)
Executive Director Souta Calling Last shares her Bigfoot experience with fellow Blackfeet woman Lailani Upham who’s storyteller series on Bigfoot is growing a cult following on Youtube! Check out her channel:

IVPodcast #9 | Indigenize Thanksgiving (11/26/2020)
A conversation on how to be more inclusive when performing thanks on Thanksgiving. Indigenous Vision’s Executive Director Souta and Melissa “the music lady” discuss the origin of Thanksgiving, the commercialism, and the environmental impact of one of North America’s most cherished holidays.

IV Podcast #8 | Idle No More with Alex Wilson & Souta Calling Last (11/22/2020)
Indigenous Vision Executive Director, Souta Calling Last sat down with Idle No More’s Alex Wilson to reflect and share the ever-evolving legacy of Idle No More eight years after the movement was ignited in Canada. Alex Wilson is an Idle No More organizer, professor at the University of Saskatchewan, and behind the ‘One House, Many Nations’ housing campaign. Join in a peaceful revolution:

IV Podcast #7 | Landback, Pipelines & Paradigms with Souta Calling Last and Melissa Spence (11/15/2020)
This conversation between Executive Director(Souta) and Producer (Melissa)goes deep into the Indigenous paradigms and perspectives on land, how we got here and where we’re trying to go. Are you truly connected to the land you’re on? Follow Souta Callinglast on Tiktok: LastWarCry as she spotlights the 12 endangered animals who once thrived where pipelines are being constructed. To learn more about our Cultural Land Trust project please visit:

IV Podcast #6 | Souta and Melissa talk life and music. (10/9/2020)
Join Executive Director of Indigenous Vision, Souta Calling Last and IVMusic producer and host, Melissa Spence on the 6th official IV Podcast where they discuss life as an Indigenous Woman, HBO, music, and of course IV!

IV Podcast #5 | Cher Thomas & Souta Calling Last (10/5/2020)
On the 5th official Indigenous Vision Podcast Executive Director Souta Calling Last is joined by Cher Thomas of Cher Thomas Designs to talk about life as an Indigenous activist, food sovereignty, and land acknowledgement.

IV Podcast #4 | Ask An Indian: Brophy College Prep (2019)
This podcast features answers to questions sent in by listeners around local and national issues from an Indigenous perspective. Our show is Native woman powered! Hosted by Souta Calling Last, Blackfeet/Blood. Produced by Melissa Spence, Ojibway. The podcast features views and perspectives of Souta Calling Last and/or guest Indian. It is not meant to represent the views of all Indigenous people. No question is dumb, send your questions to

IV Podcast #3 | MMIWG National Day of Awareness (05/2019)
Join us for a dialogue on the National Day of Awareness on May 5th for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Womxn and Girls (MMIWG). Recap and live interviews from the Standing in Solidarity event at the Arizona State Capitol. Learn more at

IV Podcast #2 | Cultural Humility – Luck & Privilege (2019)
On this second official episode join Souta as she updates on some of the amazing projects at Indigenous Vision! From offering self-defense classes, hosting Cultural Humility events to overall badassness!

IV Podcast #1 | Enough Already – Missing Murdered Indigenous Warriors (2019)
Melissa and Souta talk about the epidemic of missing and murdered indigenous women and taking our protection into our own hands. You can’t fight violence with violence, but when encountering violence, it’s important to know how to defend yourself. Join this movement and create a self-defense class in your area! Visit for more information resources.