Tag: Water is Life

  • Chapter 2: Buffalo, Bears Ears, Black Mesa

    Chapter 2: Buffalo, Bears Ears, Black Mesa

    Stories of Indigenous Stewardship November 14th, 2017 S. Calling Last 1. Iinii Initiative, Montana & Alberta The demise of the buffalo went hand-in-hand with America’s Indian problem. In 1876, it was noted that one colonel said to his troops that they must, “kill every buffalo you can; one buffalo dead is another indian gone.” By…



    By Tyler Walls, Project Director October 31, 2017 A group of around 30 people, including Vice-Chairman Larry Jackson Sr. from the Yavapai-Apache Nation, came together on October 28, 2017 for a prayer run for water. A 70 degree day created a perfect setting. Runners, mainly youth, from the Hopi Tribe, Yavapai-Apache Nation, Zuni Pueblo and…

  • CHAPTER 1-Grassy Narrows, Onondaga Lake, Grande Ronde and Yakama

    CHAPTER 1-Grassy Narrows, Onondaga Lake, Grande Ronde and Yakama

    Stories of Indigenous Stewardship October 27, 2017 S. Calling Last, MIM This series highlight the relentless efforts of Indigenous communities across North America to protect their significant areas from destruction. Harming livelihood and health, the destruction is violating the right to fully practice cultural traditions. Meaningful government-to-government tribal consultation has not taken place and what…